doing research on multiculturalism, mental illness, margninalized groups, ....

including non-western, marginalized, diverse participants and topics in your research is a rightful necessity, not an admirable luxury to boost your ego with. set the bar higher than it is now and let this be the standard to all research. acknowledge that academia is failing as long as it is not inclusive and intersectional.

what do your participants get in return? what do they gain from this?
are you just going to take their time and energy, write a fancy non-accessible academical text behind your desk so it can only be read by other academics?

don't let there be a top-down perspective in your research. seeing poverty, illness, trauma and social repression as 'interesting topics' is de-humanizing. acknowledge that priviledged academics have a lot to learn from marginalized groups, and NOT the other way around. academics are not saviors


there is no fundamental theory without practical involvement. there is no valuable, honest involvement without personal reflection. reflect upon yourself in what way you can attribute to movements in an respectful, honest and equal manner. constantly identify and destruct biases within yourself. be humble, be radical.

life outside academia is so much more interesting and complex. it's a waste to limit theory to academic conventions, disciplines and norms. think outside the academic box; seek the beauty of

reflect on the biases you have before or during working on research projects - what do you assume about the participants? in what way do you relate yourself to them? how do you view your position in relation to the other and how do you act on this?

Critical Social Sciences Students
A pressing wake-up call for students in social sciences from yours truly, Critical Social Sciences Students
radical theory and academia LINK
/We must change the academic environment itself. It must be freed from the yoke of both the state and capital. Academia must be seen as the institution of power it has become. Today, “academic freedom” mainly refers to relative personal privilege, not a space of free intellectual development.
/We must make academic work accessible to everyone. There needs to be free access to libraries and conferences, and free distribution of academic writing.
/ We must establish counter-institutions, that is, places and networks that allow for scholarly work beyond academic restrictions.

SOURCE: Gabriel Kuhn, Torkil Lauesen. Radical Theory and Academia: A Thorny Relationship (2018) via